Sunday, July 29, 2007 11:58 AM
ok i need to study for the whole day from now so i thought i needed to write something to get my brain in active mode first.
ok if you know, now all 8 of 3p's class fishes are dead. this was a poem i wrote when tom the fattest fish died[in conjunction with dionne's hargao poem].
rather long ago, but had to write in down somewhere in case i lose the paper.
once there lived a guppy named tom,
who stayed with mcfly in a little pond.
[actually it was a tank but they didnt know,
cos fishes are stupid, dumber than crows.]
tom was kinda fat, but we thought it was cool,
that he stayed true to himself and never cared about looks.
but sadlay! we were wrong!
we were so disappointed we wanted to slap him with a thong.
as dougie, danny and harry were skinny like pins,
tom felt he didnt fit in with his big flabby fins.
so he three think then move[san si er xing],
and decided that he would just stop eating any form of food.
when caroline poured the flakes,
he just sat there and ached.
and so fat boy starved himself,
till his stomach digested itself.
tom was aneroxic but he didnt know,
[refer to 2nd stanza 2nd line]
so one day when jamming with mcfly,
he collapsed and died with his guitar piaking his eyes.
once there lived a guppy named tom,
who stayed with mcfly in a little pond....
fishes have such short lifespans.
ok jimmys[ants] are worse. 2 days.
but haha suddenly thought of us getting a gary[snail] the other day.
it was during pe when dionne and i went into this caged up airconditioning vent thing next to the basketball court to get a gary that was on one of the vents.
ok digressing for a bit.
i just dont understand how people can can eat

yuck yuck yuck.
and not like they were forced to eat it like little kids being forced to eat broccoli [i like broccoli actually] its like people eat it and think its daMMM nice like panda biscuit and consider it a delicacy.
imagine putting THAT^ in your mouth.
its so yucky and disgusting and yucky and gross and yucky.
and so. did i mention yucky?
so anw like the entire 3p was watching us get it off.
BUT it wouldnt! it was like so stubborn and adherent and it looked quite painful so we decided not to.
but after a few seconds i went back in to try it by sliding it off instead of pulling it off like perpendicularly
and gary was removed successfully!
haha i just rock lah.
but then dionne locked me in the cage.
haha then i screamed, she let me out, 3p played with it, we grimaced, we had fun.
nette posted it up.
Saturday, July 28, 2007 11:42 PM
omg just spent the whole day doing maths and chinese.
and i've been so busy lately i think i like forgot how to blog.
ok i realise i have ten thousand things to say since the last time i blogged.
as far back as when tom the fish died.
now even iguana the fish is dead and it's also been daMMM long ago.
my blog is obviously rotting as a result of inanition.
ok nevermind the outdated news.
OHOH and then last week cheesy the hamster died.
haha speaking of deaths i suddenly thought of the other day when me and dionne were blogsurfing and reading emo blogs.
it was damn entertaining can!
its like so rugghhrrigating to see how people are so oblivious to how lucky they are.
they decide to be blind and stupid, kvetching about how they are fat or poor or ugly or whatever shit in like. every post.
name three people who care about that lah!
ok. so i got entertained, got angry and got nauseous simultaeously when i read them.
anw. all the blogs sounded the same.
yknow. it's like emo code or smth.
you have to write it a certain way or it wont pass as emo.
if this unspoken criteria was ever written out, it'll look like this.v
1) get an emo blogskin.
for the full package. if you want people to read something emo, it has to be read in an appropriate ambiance. you dont want people to feel sorry for you while there are happy gay rainbows on the computer screen!
2) talk about how life's unfair.
to you and you alone.
yes. self-centredness is the key people! think 'the world revolves arounds me and i must get what i want! if i dont, that's it man my life sucks. '
3) always question.
ohoh. all emo bloggers love the a totally creative one-word question. WHY??????
or at least everything else starts with that.
4) tell the whole world you cry like. ten times a second.
this one i really dunno get. garnering sympathy maybe? but like it's ah anw just do it. its a rule.
5) after mentioning number 4, always state the reason for your breakdown.
oukay this one i know. the reason for crying = NOTHING. yah emo people cry for no reason. whoo. i love doing things for no reason. like making this list.
6) convince yourself that you are happy.
propagandise yourself that you are happy. then realise its a total futile attempt. this is rubbish actually cos if you are already happy you dont need to reassure yourself that. it's like i need to shit i'll just go do it i dont tell myself 'annette i need to shit'.
haha ok i think that was an equally rubbish analogy.
7) acknowledge you have an issue but dont know the reason for it. so you wanna kill youself.
mention the word 'depressed' no less than a million times in your blog. then say you are it, but you dont know why. then talk about suicide. find your existence meaningless. specifically state your suicide method.
omg i have nothing better to do. haha.
ok damn tired.
kinda need some sleep!
seven easy steps and you're off to being the best emo blogger ever!
nette posted it up.
Monday, July 09, 2007 9:23 PM
today was a bad day.
no horrible day.
no it was so bad i feel like drenching my head and a rope in kerosene, sticking on end of a rope to my head and the the other to a flame.
so anw. first of all. i slept what. 5 hrs last night?
so i went to school sleeping like a rock.
then i realise i still have this entire ton of hw i owe teachers.
ohoh but one good thing! i manage to beeeeg mr khoo to change my 16/35 to a 17.5/35.
i was damn happy lah can!!
i actually told mr khoo he rocked when i kinda think otherwise most of the time.
ok i didnt exactly say that lah i said 'mr khoo you KINDA rock!'
yah. kinda.
makes a difference.
like how 'i love you' and 'i kinda love you' makes a difference.
okok digressed.
back to the point.
then to make my day worse, tom the guppy died.
and then harry the guppy started bullying danny and dougie like shit.
actually danny more.
i was rather sad over tom's death i'm supposed to write him a poem but i'll do it later i'm too lazy..
haha ok i was laughing like shit as usual today also.
me and ravin realise that when we do crazy things together, we REALLY do it. to like the extreme. until we're in our own world and we dont care if people think we're evil maniacs or woodbridge escapees. hahaha.
and ohmy shitness lah. [changing climax here..]
my tolerance for shitty guys has just worn thin like to the freaking extreme k.
say i have too high expectations or boys will be boys or anything i dont care cos
[ohno crap i need to pee really really bad but i just checked and both toilets have people. BATHING. die die die. okok control. i'll blog a little more to divert my attention.]
ok so i decided to make a list.
here's the kinda guys i'll see on the street and just box in the face.
[whether you possess one r more of the following qualities. or rather. their UNqualities. > ok that's the most gross word i ever made up]
ok. i cant stand guys who:
1) when in packs, must suddenly talk damn loud when they walk past girls. and shout totally random words that couldnt possibly make sense cos they werent even having a proper conversation before they saw girls. e.g. 'CHICKEN!' or 'GREEN!'
2) wear purple. no reason. it just makes me wanna hurl. but ugly what!
3) have a lot of girl no, female friends. if they have more female friends than guy friends, then that's it man i dont know you.
4) wear caps. INDOORS. hello i'm sure you need the cap INSIDE cos there's aircon and shelter and you totally need it.
5) say f-words as often as i say 'i'm damn hungryyyyy.'
which btw i get hungry like every minute.
6) act bloody emo on their msn nicks so they can somehow get attention. or talk to you in a really emo way so you can ask them what's wrong. and the answer will be something damn stupid. haha. whatever lah. i'll laugh everyday just to spite you.
7) take pictures of themselves like ahlians do. not like pictures with people lah. like those zilian ones. gay.
8) think their damn funny. and must crack like a lame joke every second otherwise they'll suffer cold turkey and pee in their pants.
9) are freaking ego. not like normal male ego kinda ego. the damn gross i'm-damn-smart-i'm-never-wrong kind. like e.g. if the they're smart, they must show off their intellect. and if they're stupid, they must show off their intellect. or rather the lack of it.
either way, they'll show it off whether they've got it or not.
10) ok i cant think of the last one cos my sis is chasing me off the comp and my thought process gets jammed under pressure.
so i shall leave this as it is and probably come back to it.
but knowing myself, i wont. haha.
nette posted it up.
Sunday, July 08, 2007 4:38 PM
ok im going out for dinner with my family in like an hour.
for my birthday.
and if i'm happy, i'll wear green.
i need to say something!
unless you already have a green shirt, DONT go buy one, just for live earth!
freaking waste moneh!
this is bloody dumb.
its just an excuse for tauhu bimbos and ah lians to go shopping.
and it only makes the pockets of the clothes shop aunties fatter, unflattering their already unflattering figures.
and the more i think, the more wearing green is quite dumb.
ok lah the point of it is to spread awareness of global warming.
yah. ok. wow.
golly gee! that's a great idea isnt it????
WRONG! [ok if you said yes and you feel pain on your left cheek like almost near your nose, i just slapped a voodoo doll of you but i didnt aim properly.]
i'll confidently say 99% of the people wearing green yesterday or today arent doing to stop global warming.
what's the point of wearing green, being aware and making everyone aware[ok lets say the whole world is aware] but not do anything about it right?
awareness is not change.
oh and one wonderful fantastic awesome way of supporting live earth is by NOT watching live earth live earth yesterday like me.
NOT watching = NOT using electricity = NOT burning natural resources [oh and an added bonus! you save $$ too!*]= NOT contributing to global warming.
yes. while, watching = you're killing the earth. mother nature will choke on more smokeballs.
* and you can use that money to go plant a few plants outside your house. the with chlorophyll kind. not the a bit red red ones.
yup. so i quote dionne 'THE IRONY!'
and i just went to the live earth website.
nothing says how it's gonna change the world.
wearing green, which i mentioned, makes no difference.
[haha me and debbie were out yesterday and we saw that very little people wore green and in fact MOST people wore red. haha. actually quite funny. RED. so anti-climax. whoo i laugh.]
anw. the webpage also got celebrities to propagandise about how this movement is SO big they are SO excited for it.
yes. i'm talking about you mr john mayer.
i listen to your songs one ok.
if i didnt like you, i'd say that you are self-centred and only said that so people will watch live earth and hear you sing. but since you're cool, i choose to delude myself that it's not your fault.
SO which idiot is it who blackmailed/knife-threatened you to say that even though he knows you also think live earth is bloody useless?????
ok lah. but people can tell me the money raised can be used for helping the tragic state of the earth.
yah but nothing's happening. nono not nothing's happening. everything's happening. everything's getting worse!
also dunno what they do with the money.
can they use the money to patch up the hole over australia by sticking atmospheric air on the depleted ozone with sticky glue and glitter?
whoo this is such a cool topic to get pissed over.
beats my childish peevishness over class pet by like ten thousand and one miles.
if i ruled the world, i'd make live earth more impacting than like say gee i dunno, holding a concert?? here's what i'd do:
i'll make everyone live in a cave for the whole live earth weekend so they wont use and ounce of electricity. if anyone sneaks any sort of electrical device into their cave, [THEY ARE DEAD! hahaha. ok i'm no saddam hussein. so anw since i'm nice..] they are only thrown into cave prison.
nono this isnt the same as everyone else[if you forgot everyone lives in caves too] cos the caves of other non-crime-commiting [whats the real word for noncrime committing i suddenly forgot. see lah. the effects of global warming.] actually contain food, water, and fire. and dont smell like bat shit.
yah then after the two looong days, everyone will actually appreciate what they have and use lesser electricty.
or will they use more.
ohno i dunno.
ah heck when i'll just make live earth everyday and play safe.
cave houses everyday!!! whoo wouldnt that be fun?? oh and no vehicles btw.
if you want to get somewhere go find your own boulder and roll yourself there.
oh and when you reach water, DONT cut down a tree to use the log cos you are depleting the earth's oxygen supply and ohya as ruler of the world i happen to be able to make deforestation a crime.
so yah. swim over to the other side, or too bad!
ohhmy mama. i think im high on haribo sweets.
i frikin need to shut up.
i'm talking rubbish like there's no tomorrow.
so yah.
my point.
this week.
switch off the tv and not think wearing green's gonna make a new tree magically sprout out from the ground somewhere.
and live earth is rubbish.
nette posted it up.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 9:16 PM
currently listening to:
angels or devils - dishwalla
avril lavigne - contagious
today i went for the art thing which i havent uploaded the pictures so i shall talk about it another time.
so i'll talk about something else!
ok i was told yesterday that some nehhed ppl from 3i wanna copy 3p and buy class hamster.
[ok its not the whole class and i dunno who it is. i never specify ar! ]
but oh well they can go buy. hamsters are smelly.
i know there are ppl who come to our class sometimes and see the fish and 'i thought die already??'
then we'll go like 'our fishes are happy and alive thank you'
you wish our fish die? FAT STINKIN HOPE!
haha ok lah im kiddin. i frikin sound like i have anger management issues.
which i do not k. ohmy mama i wanna say 'FAT STINKING HOPE!' to someone someday! hahaha i must and i will.
but then really lah i hate copycats!
that's a 3p original idea.
its copyrighted, copylefted and copymiddleded.
anw my sister is on the other comp now [which is 2m away from me. ] and she just went to her friends blog whose song just disrupted the song i'm listening to.
it's corrine may.
and i realised her voice if you listen properly, sounds like she's freaking gonna yawn any minute.
and then i realised that i once told hannah that charlie from busted's voice sounds like he's gonna sneeze any second.
really. go listen.
ok lah i kinda suck.
those were neutral comments btw not insults.
anw. yesterday after choir i told dionne i wanted to buy panda biscuit cos hannah said it was daMMM[in a weird boinging sound] nice.
so i ok loh.
hannah has quite good taste lah.
like shrek ice cream.
then i buy and eat.
dionne: is it daMMM nice?
me: it's like a kinda little bit daMMM-nice not a.. a.
dionne: not a WAHLAO! daMMM nice. right???
me: hahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhaha. i laughed like shit.
ok no i didnt say 'i laughed like shit' but anw.
i continued eating and my taste buds started to say 'you know wad i am liking it more and more i change my mind. it's a WAHLAO daMMM nice!'
oh well. i'm not being fickle.
it's like the nerd guy who likes the popular girl. then she only agree to go out with him cos he seems nice. then later she starts to be less superficial and likes him more cos he's really super nice and not some chao ah beng or male chauvinist or a narcissist or a flirt or[ok you get me. one more.] an idiot.
yes. that's my relationship with panda biscuit k.
then dionne fetched me to pp mrt and when we reached, panda biscuit havent finish!
i was like: i get off here? but i dont want to eat panda biscuit alone!!
do you have any idea how loser it is eating biscuit by yourself?
especially when you're walking alone and every ten seconds a new person sees you and thinks you have no one to go home with and you decide to drown your sorrows in fattening baked flour shaped like panda heads cos the dude who drew the biscuit has an amputated arm so he feels damn disturbed when drawing bodies so he told the biscuit company too bad.
haha ok lah actually oh well dont tell me you never eat alone in public before! i just have this paranoid vision in my head that some loud people will come and laugh at me in my face. plus dionne said qixuan told her on thurday that when you see ppl eating alone on the streets must walk past them with your mouth wide open and stare at them then they will stop eating.
hahaha i was like laughing. damn funny.
ah ok kinda gotta gotta go!
nette posted it up.
Thursday, July 05, 2007 9:16 PM
if you can see my, hannah and dionne's msn nick now, it's 'FISHES BRING ENTERTAINMENT INTO OUR LIVES'
like seriously k. the whole fish thing is damn funny.
we went to buy yesterday. as class pet.
we bought.
a small tigerfish - [no name]
a pufferfish - iguana [cos dionne actually wanted a lizard]
a goldfish - hargao [look like hargao. you know the dimsum.]
a suckerfish - sucker
4 guppies - harry, dougie, danny, tom. [mcfly]
so the goldfish was mine, tigerfish was hannah's , iguana was dionne's and like within 1 minute when we bought it, iguana ate hannah's fish. WE HAVENT EVEN NAMED IT K!
but so hannah adopted suckerfish as hers. haha
so as barbaric as iguana was, he ended up nibbling on hargao until there was this open wound so mcfly started biting too k! there was blood!
then this morning in class hargao died!
infront of me!
then dionne went to write a poem as a tribute to the late hargao.
it goes like this:
[HAHAHA it's damn funny!]
only just yesterday
hargao the fish came to stay
we thought we would have such fun
especially since he looked like a bun
but mcfly, oh how they cliqued
it was so terrible it made me sick
they put their heads together
and decided to bite hargao, wherever
hargao the fish, he was so dumb
he didn't even try to run
now annette feels so alone
cause hargao's dead as a phone
so in school we'll bury hargao
and maybe sometimes on his grave we'll put paos
only just yesterday
hargao the fish came to stay.
and i was going like mcfly sucks and all k. cos they NIBBED hargao.
like hannah's fish died after one minute.
and mine, after one day.
damn suck leh.
ok i need to go do maths now.
ohmy today laugh so much.
can die.
edit!: i was just talking to dionne about tmr i think iguana will eat tom the guppy. cos he's the fattest. the dionne said iguana will eat all and the last man standing will be sucker. cos he keeps out of everyone's way and just eats shit by himself! HAHAHAHAHA.
that was damn funny can.
nette posted it up.