9:46 PM
im quite lazy to talk about each day, but anyway, i have,
i dont have many, cos lynnette lee took the camera, but i used sharmaine's phone to take some so i still have. gaaha yeaH.
and thanks shar!
ok im going in order. first day.

gwen, me and shar at the hotel.
you can click on it to see better cos i think the last 2 pictures are horribly small baaha, but like, i dont like to waste post space with making the pictures damn big.

sharmaine and i went to the bench next to the football field to take this picture.
aughhhh hahahah look at the background, i think it's damn pretty, i can bluff you i was in like some part of europe or smth. gaaha!
eh but seriously, nice right the forest, oh gosh! XD

then we went to the horse stable yo!
ahh the stupid horses were tied up, then they couldnt come out, we like saw them coming out at lunch but, like the farmer guy must have tied them after lunch.
is the guy who's in charge of the horses a farmer ah?
is he even called an 'in-charge'?? ahh so not!! thats not right. but i dunno the right word.
oh man ok my general knowledge
and i can hardly remember what happened on the first day, i remember being really tired during pastor reuben's workshop.
haha, sorry pastor reuben you're cool!
um, what else ah.
cheryl was teaching me and gwen tennis, hahaha there was jonas brothers on ellen! we got so excited.
ohoh! and i loved my group, we're awesome. XD
second day.

ok a damn loser picture me on the swing.
oukay. i think i can remember more stuff that happened on the second day, partly cos it was more eventful, partly cos i was more awake. XD
anyway, after we played the swing a bit we got bored and went to play captain's ball.
it was fun! but fukai the tall kept stealing balls damn easily from us.
ah so unfair, but hahaha yes yes still fun.

gahaha, that was hardly a question either anyway.
ok here's the story.
on the second day me and paul happened to change into the same shirt.
how coincidental is that, bringing the same shirt and deciding to wear on the same day unintentionally.
so anyway we copied the shirt to take the picture!
damn cool right i know super cool ah i love this picture to the max yo!
and thanks paul for the bape octopus sticker!
haha, paul has like sticker club, he gave some people stickers to paste in their bible, i chose the octopus one.
oh ya! and for the first night paul came over to talk with gwen and me.
GAAHH paul i know all your secrets now!
gwen, ah i know yours already lah!

me and my twin fred the fish!
eh you know. fred's at the foot of my bed now,
and i refuse to touch him anymore.
he's freaking smelly lah, haha ok lah not really i am just disgusted.
like since the first day smelly guys like david tay were taking him and kiaping him between their armpits and i was going AUGHHH!!! but it didnt work.
and everyone hugged him already.
and then like on the bus desmond they all were throwing him around and according to my sister dropped him on the floor about 5 times.
gaaha, then when i turned around ah, jon chan was totally using fred as a pillow lah!
then i had to go over and get it from beneath his head.
hahha, when we reach back church i went to ask zehzeh 'EHH zeh jon chan have dandruff or not!!'
and he was totally behind me and i didnt know, so she and jowell started laughing and when i turned around i was like 'OH! whoops! hahha.' and he was all 'yah i have dandruff!'
but anyway, then later i dropped him on the floor you know!!!
like, it just rained at that time, so the floor was wet!
aughhh i was super simtia but ohwell.
ok now that i think about it, i think its super bad for me to be avoiding fred like a germ, i should go find time to clean him. =]
ok on the second day, i told uncle allan that his workshop really spoke to me.
like even more than uncle james' and pastor reuben's.
really leh, i never knew how to explain so much stuff when evangelising, not that i even do it often cos either i dont dare to cos i feel im not ept enough, or cos some of my friends like totally get irritated, or flood me with damn weird questions i dont know how to answer!!
baaha. and it made me to wanna read the bible more to find even more answers.
then at night, some of us stayed to play the meh meh and number thing, which i so didnt get at all, haha so irritating but i did in the end lah.
then later joseph, me and gwen went over to paul's room, and marcus and uncle james were there too.
hahaha paul was doing something damn bad and making us all laugh like some shit.
i was like there 'paul thats damn mean!!... gaahhahaa'
haha ok i dont dare to say what he even did in case someone too serious comes and reads it we are dead.
joseph was being loserish, he laugh until he was on the floor lah!
ok i can tell you the other thing he did!
gahaha, paul was like 'eh annette you have cotton bud'
me: no
paul: ok then never mind.
and then he takes one of the free coffee stirrers they provide in the hotel rooms, walks to the mirror, and dig his ear with it lah!!!
hahahaa, then i was like YUCKK!!! but i was laughing like mad, and joseph came along and like 'whatwhat' and i told him and he was super laughing too.
haha paul you suck, oh and he did the shitting out paper balls thing too, which is hard to explain in writing but it was super funny baahahaha!
yes i was rather entertained the whole night, gahaha paul taught me how to play 'anything la!'
OH YA! and dont you think paul looks like hiro nakamura!!
damn look like lah!
i would tell you of the story he said of when some of the heroes cast came, but im just too lazy right now, it's almost midnight and i'm tired.
third day.
me in paul's walrus hat!
hahaha i tell you the real thing is ten times funnier, like seriously. maybe because you see with your own eyes the gigantic amount of ikan bilis.
anyway! this is desmond goh's plate of nasi lemak.
it was like buffet, so he could take as much ikan bilis as he wanted and it's like, gaaahahahah damn funny
there's like more ikan bilis than rice lah!!!
ohh gosh it's so funny.

i love joseph!!
hahahah you know later on when we went to jusco for the free one hour, we didnt wanna go shopping or eat cos we werent hungry, then we went to the toys r us and freak lah!! malaysia toys r us sucks!!
plus it's super small, it's damn puny.
ah i wish some malaysia toys r us manager reads my blog.
so anyway, joseph wanted to go find rubik's cube, and it was more expensive than in singapore and they dont even have the book.
oh and he wanted to find swords and stuff to play so we can spend our hour playing, but they dont even sell!!
and every display electrical toy i walk past, you know those with kid plastic toys with buttons, and if in singapore you go press they'll play some loser song that will make everyone turn and stare at you until you are embarrassed??
yah! i pressed like everyone i walked past, and all, NO BATTERY!!!
so no sound at all.
damn idiot lah, who puts up toy displays without batteries.
ohh gosh it was like the boringest toys r us ever, i couldnt even play with anything there!! =[[

me and shar and our awesome group leader, ANGEL!!!

hahaha she's stronggg!

my group!
from the top:
sam, me, sharmaine, angel, eliza, yiying, amada heng, evan, bethleen, rachel, eliz, and JUSTINA!!
gaahahah. ok justin.
but cool right, we're all girls, only one pathetic guy.
but its like, we all could talk really easily in the group cos we're all girls, that was nice, haha.
okok thats all peeps. bye!
nette posted it up.
i am back and with senior camp photos!!
haha actually shar passed me my picture filled thumbdrive like yesterday, but yesterday was busyfest for annette so i didnt use the comp at all, and nearly died.
wahlao, i tell you ah, yesterday was only the second day of school and i was so stressed already you know!!!!!
you see how much life sucks, ah wanna die.
but you know what, yesterday at like eleven plus and i was doing chinese and exhausted to the max and all, and thinking about how much work i had to do and i so totally had no time and energy, and i was thinking like even if i do all my homework and all what if i cant even get good results and ah that would be so idiotic.
especially my art, what if i really do my best and my prep's quite good, but screw up the paper on the day itself like last year, that would suck like the hell out of everything lah!
then i got damn scared and ughh i was super stresed, and yes SECOND BLOODY DAY OF SCHOOL.
so i stopped for a while and i went to do devotion and God gave me this verse:
Philippians 3:13-15a - Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things.
that totally gave me a bit more strength to finish up my work, and it almost made me feel like i dont have to worry about stupid o levels anymore.
and who cares how i did at last year's exams cos really, i think i cant even name you half a person who cares. gaaha.
He's gonna carry me right through it, and i'm gonna aim for the best to glorify His name.
even if it means dying a bit along the way.
ok, im gonna do the senior camp thing in a new post. XD
it's homework after that!!!!
nette posted it up.