Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:55 PM
inhwan is the cutest baby on earth i want an inhwan NOW.

so anyway if you didnt bother reading the last post, he's junsu's kid version in mini dbsk. so anyway this is the video of when they were on the show, even if you bother watching, at least cheryl and qinhuan should bother. i hope gaaha.
and no i am serious i am rather against cloning but if that's the only way i can get one of these of my own i dont care about ethical issues on genetic engineering!!!

they kissed on the idiot show lah!

and they actually really look alike right!
haha. k wait this one not really, kk compare this picture of junsu to the next one of inhwan i am gonna post it is totally twins.

kk yesyes papa still havent come and scold me i can post donghoon first then zao.

his double eyelids are damn pretty here!

kkk look at this picture, then the last picture of inhwan i posted.
HAAHAH they reused the same hat as for inhwan's photoshoot!!!
aughhh losers!
so uncreative. ok lah, maybe they actually prepared a different hat but it was like too big for his head or smth.
eh, want me to show you which member of dbsk he's supposed to look like?

decided i couldnt do it, changmin's too ugly, i think my smiley face is more handsome.
ok i shall go now, i will come blog proper stuff tmr, whoo no school for 3 days!
P.S. cheryl lee did i make you squeal in delight at the super cuteness???? hahahha. XD
nette posted it up.
Friday, February 15, 2008 10:11 PM
i hope there are apples in heaven.
but i guess there's no food up there so at least i hope to laugh with God.
i think i decided quite loserishly about 2 weeks ago that i should blog once a month, and i have come to say i think i shall change it to every half a month. haha.
and its not because i cannot control it anymore and i need to blog now or i'll spasm and die, cos i can discipline myself one, but actually on the contrary i am totally indifferent to blogging already.
and it's precisely cos i dont care already that i wanna come here now before by the end of one month i wouldnt even give a shit about this and there dies my blog.
haha dont want that to happen, think it's important to write our lives. XD
and gah, i cant comprehend time, it's like it feels like it passes so fast everyday then later when you think about it it's like ten million things have decided to fit themselves into this period of idiot time that seemed so short, cos when you try to think of what you did a week ago it seems like it was eternity ago or maybe my memory deteriorating but i think cheryl was agreeing with me on this the other day so it's not me!!! i am rambling on to myself.
ok anyway. i shall start with chinese new year.
on wednesday after celebrations me and qian went to raffles city cos she wanted to get this damn cute but damn ex animal sticker but it sold out hahaha so i bought like 2 really cool underwear from accessorise AHH they are super hilarious can!
one's full of muffins, and the other one has robins playing guitar and it says 'rock n roll robin'.
GAHAHAHA, i know.
i was flashing it to people on thursday.
then we went to taka to eat the damn nice jap spaghetti and visit qian'a sister.
oh ya qian your sister say she go steal testers for me right!! haahha.
but anyway it was super fun haha.
eh wahlao talking to royston, he refuses to tell me what he did for his gf yesterday.
i was like 'faster tell me i wanna laugh' cos he's a total loser.
HAHA dont wanna tell me cos it must have been super unromantic right!
ok lah nah.
anw, and visiting was quite boring on the whole cos i am not that close to my relatives.
chinese new year is like, just wasting my life rotting away on some stranger's sofa, and that stranger happens to be related to me.
luckily they are nice, but i only like love my mama and my ahma among my relatives you know.
i'll love my granddads too but theyre dead already leh.
oh! but it was fun visiting qian on sat cos i really went there to collect my wallet cos i left it there on wed, but i couldnt tell my dad he'd have killed me on the spot for irresponsibility.
hahaha, and my dad some more offered to send me there you know, which was whooness cos ah then he wont even find out that i cant go there on my own cos i have no ez link and no money.
so i brought hw and told qian i stay there a while to do to waste time cos my parents think im visiting. then hahaha my mum made me wear this damn niang skirt lah she scold me for wearing shorts!
but in the end qian was being a bad influence and she said 'annette stop being a nerd and go play with me or i'll cry!'
k lah she didnt say that but, we went to play on the comp. =]
oh oh and hahaha i have this nephew who's a big spoilt brat, see him every chinese new year, he's quite cute ah but wahlao, he's damn spoilt lah!
but his dad used to be one also so i guess you can inherit spoiltability.
wahlao if i had a son like him next time he's gonna get a punch from me.
ohhmygosh i want my son to look like inhwan next time.

what a perfect little boy. =]
and he's like the mini junsu for the kid dbsk which i hate dbsk anyway i think they're all damn ugly but qian showed me the video where they appear with their mini-mes, i just died at ihwan. and dong hoon. but im too lazy to go look for a picture of him.
the other boys were either ugly or were disgusting.
oh this inhwan picture is from qian, i love her she gave me this loser cd that's damn funny and filled with funky stuff and she even like put in word documents of kibum and siwon and she wrote loser captions, haha so sweet right.
it made me laugh like mad lah.
eh qian that cd was the best vday present i got k!
it was entertainment in a case, better than all the chocolates.
haha though i'd have died without them.
thanks to all the peeps who gave me presents!
ohoh! and valerie your muffin was still damn cool plus pretty plus yummy, cant take it we are going toa payoh tgt next time to have a muffin date!
and im eating the cookies jolene gave me, so nice. and the packaging's damn cool lah, it's like instant noodle box. you peel off the aluminium on the top and you eat from the plastic cylinder. gahh i was so fascinated. hahaha.
and suet far baked cookies for me also they were super yummy too ohhh im feeling the love.
haha and i know the best friend ravin loves me for giving her mini freddo heads, hahaha she was laughing at it when i gave her like i did when i saw it, it's super cute lah it's from cocoa tree everybody should see it it's just damn cute to the max.
hahaa ravin and i love freddo.
i think i almost love the guy who invented freddo as well, it's like just normal cadbury milk chocolate but what makes it taste so much more awesome??!!!!
i think when i grow up to be rich and famous i'll make a worldwide announcement for the freddo inventor to come and visit me, wanna tell him how much he rocks.
i was asking jedi the other day on the bus i wonder who invented anime haha i said i'll go check internet, gah too lazy and i think they wont have anyway.
but really leh, it's like he invented this way of drawing which the whole of japan decided to follow, quite a feat right, but i told jedi maybe he didnt want people to follow the way he drew!
i mean seriously lah have some originality thats why i dont really bother learning how to draw anime i'd rather come up with my own way of drawing cartoons.
i love drawing cartoons everybody i am gonna be a famous illustrator when i grow up just see. XD
oh ya and then we also had this thing where we make candy sticks, and give to all the people in the level a card that said '_[name]_. valentine's day is not all about candy and chocolates...' and the back says ASK US WHY!
oh it was signed off as hannah loke and friends.
and actually i totally didnt do anything for the cards and sweets, cos loke forgot to call me come haha.
but oh well i am still one of 'friends'.
and people come ask us why and we tried to tell them about the gospel but gah it was quite unsuccessful lah cos when we ask them if they wanna hear they like dont want already, or that they just politely listen but have no intention of asking more.
haha oh well at least we tried, and the loners who didnt get many presents at least we made them a little happier.
whoo =]
oh and qian you are coming church with me one day i dont care. cheong jiarong you also ah.
oh and i would have gone out on valentines day if not for the fact that i had to come home to do commonwealth essay by today.
so rubbish ah! then there was a topic called 'Blue.' and i was telling jiarong ah i wanted to choose it and write: i am feeling blue. because it's valentine's day and instead of going out i am stuck at home doing a commonwealth essay.
damn suck ah, i did it for four hours you know!
waste my life, and my goal in the essay was just to reach the 1200 word limit so i was so damn pissed writing it, cos they're not even gonna send in my essay, and even if they do i highly wont win.
and i didnt even do it cos i wanted to you losers of cedar, i did it cos no one wanted to.
ah, it's again the 'monitress does it if no one does' thing.
like ne ppt.
haoyee ne rep do one, oh no one wants to do, oukay i do.
ahh and it's like, 4 hours is super long i was thinking i could have done so many other better things instead of wasting my life.
speaking of cedar being assy, other than the forcing of the doing of a commonwealth essay and their sudden obsession with national education and wasting our time on the propaganda also, choir decided to be dammmmn rubbish too.
this is from qian's blog cos it pretty much sums up all i was thinking when i left the TMP aftr choir today.
i really cannot take this anymore. its like choir is taking up my life. if anyone asks me what i remember about sec 4, i can only talk about choir cause seriously i can remember nothing else except tests homework and going for choir every freaking monday wednesday and friday. and whats there to talk about homework and tests?
its not that i hate choir. i like to sing but the way you're forcing us? its like totally unfair to the max. even the sec 4s last year and the year before weren't being forced like us. the sec 4s last year even had mondays off even though it was SYF year.
if i was the only one unhappy, i'd just say that i'm inflexible. but its not only me but many more people and its obviously because its just totally unreasonable! and i do NOT deserve to get kicked off the choir cause of what i said because i've worked my butt off as hard as everybody else during choir.
i know you want to do well in the concert and so do i but really, we all know that more than 1/2 the people are just going to support their friends and family. do you really think that they'll know whether we're singing with a raised pellet or with support?
i'm sorry i'm saying all this but its what i feel and i don't think i can take it anymore if it still continues in term 2.
so i was really like THISSS close to quitting already, and some more i have art which is time-consuming to the max, and i even had to quit chem tuition because of art.
but then, when i got home after a while i decided we shall just ren3 it.
so i told qian, and like its 3 months lah, maybe we can look at it as just only 3 months.
or you cant gahhh i dunno, i think unless you're a sec4 from choir and unless you were there that day seeing chye and some of the juniors both being suckers, you wouldnt get it and i am too lazy to say.
just know it was horrible.
and anyway today cos of this thing, i feel like all the sec4s suddenly all so united, except for pene i dunno, gonna ask her on monday. whaha!
and it's like we all understand how we feel so it's like, common indignation.
haha but let's just complain together but perservere together also lah so we shall continue to cheer each other on until we get through it, us all sec4s! i think if we all just stick together we'll still make sure we get our <10 points.
even if some people blame us, and some people refuse to compromise.
and also ah qian, i think cos of the manyfulous choir practices this year, and we're both not in the comm, and we take the same bus from the new school, we got super close. like hahaha i hardly even knew you existed in lower sec gahahaha.
and i look forward to choir every monday, wednesday and friday just for the bus ride home you know, really.
like after choir damn wanna die, but you entertain me and i'm not tired anymore when i get home.
haha oh ya and even after Os we are still gonna learn korean together!
hahaha and join library in jc so we'll have time to continue.
ah, think i just ruined my super 'AWWW' closing atmosphere. whaha.
nette posted it up.
Saturday, February 02, 2008 9:50 PM
GAHH i didnt bring home the coloured pencils i nicely chose and arranged and put into one of the boxes on thursday!!
so only coloured chloe's* head is coloured and her body's hideously.
i cant go on to another sketch peacefully without this done! i know i am super gross.
*she's the protaganist for my storybook ah btw.
somehow, a drop of water dripped onto chloe's hair!!
the hair which i coloured so properly with at least 5 coloured [water soluble!] pencils so that she can have nice naturally highlighted angmoh hair.
AUGH, there's a splotch on the hair where the colours are mixed.
cant stand it i cant even erase it!!
ok anyway, i really should be blogging now.
ah okok i shall say everything else in point form then zao. whaha.
- switchfoot concert was the sex. except papa made me leave so i couldnt stay for the signing!!!! AUGHHHH. whaha but it was still awesome! oh tim foreman was gahhh and jon looked like a lion. but i think the stuff he said were damn deep i cant take it he's so inspiring. even if he had hair that made him look like he came from the jungle.
-friday sucked, i was crying like rubbish at the start of the day over the stressness of the notice board and stuff. but when i was a wreck and went for monitress meeting, jaan told me she also cried over notice board the day before that also hahahaha.
-i think not having contact time is rubbish cos i so do not have time between lessons to talk rubbish to the class, and i get scolded for saying smth impt in the middle of the lesson.
- but mrs woo and 4PRETTY PECKS OF PRETTY PEPPERS are the sex.
gahh mrs woo i was so touched when you went around with the box of sandwiches and juices and shoved them in my face.
- i wish i were the manager of mama lingmong dishwashing detergent so i wouldnt have decided i wanted to dilute it since last year to earn more profits.
is mama lingmong a monopoly, cos i wanna buy another brand, cant take it, i made caramel today and it was shit trying to get butter off the pan.
i hate you mr mamalingmong's manager.
- i wanna learn korean!
- my sister is an unreasonable disturbed teenager[or so she makes me think], and she has violent tendencies.
- cant wait for church tomorrow.
- oh i am officially grounded for not going to tuition today. haha i told dad i dont wanna go anywhere anymore anyway. but then i realised somewhere in the afternoon that on wed i am going to qian's house after cny celebrations! how ah.
hahha i shall just tell him school's gonna end normal time and there's no choir so i'll be home by 3, and he'll think he's damn smart that i am not going anywhere as soon as school ends but actually school ends early and i am going out! BWAHA!
- ok please dont tell my dad that.
- ah, im off to bathe then go watch super junior full house while eating apple and caramel.
nette posted it up.