whoever said otherwise lied to you.
and i have proof from some like fish jam thing my mum bought from perth.

funny right, i opened my fridge last week to look for milk and had a good laugh to myself.
sh0 funniiex worx! kekex.
okok i need to show you something even funnier.
AAAAhahaha my life is so hilarious i love it.
cos zeh was trying to take a picture and aiya i guess my ahma didnt know so she was still talking i think.
GAHHH she looks super funny i think if my ahma was my enemy i could use this picture to blackmail her but since she isnt..
i'm putting it up on the internet anyway ahahhaa.
i shall show you my mama next time. she is super chio, for an eighty-year-old. haha.
and by the way i am super happy now because all my exams are finally over.
technically on wednesday but in terms of work it just ended yesterday cos it was coursework deadline.
so anyway on tuesday we went to cheryl's house to do art and i discovered the most amazing thing ever please.
and in case idyttm still comes here and she doesnt understand, i shall speak in your terms, THIS IS A VACUMN CLEANER.
haha ah, idyttm, why must all my posts have somthing that reminds me of you, why??
anyway it is not just a vacuum cleaner, its the coolest vacuum cleaner ever!!
hahaha, it's a fan at the bottom with like a hole and there are bristles to sweep it ah so hard to explain i should have taken the bottom.
but anyway i used it to vacuum all my eraser rubbings. oh its super fascinating, cant take it!
then wednesday was art exam here's my painting.
cheryl and chantal were saying that my art has annette-ness, can tell its mine. whoo.
and took cheryl's too.
gahh cheryl i wanna walk on that rainbow street!
haha, then on thursday i stayed back to do art and i was like the only one who did in the afternoon so i blasted my ipod on the speakers.
then suddenly, mrs woo came in and i didnt even see her!
and i was like yelling a song and drawing then i looked up and i saw her walking in i was like HELLO MRS WOO!
aiya, quite not funny to say here i must tell you personally and show you what i did then it's funnier.
but ah it was super embarrassing hahaha. then i msged peishi after that like:
peishi yai cho yembarrassed!!! just now mrs woo come into the art room i never see then cos i turned on the music i was like singing damn siaoly ahh then i looked up and saw her walk in wah damn embarrassing!
and cos she was at class outing which i didnt go cos of cw she like totally laughed and told everyone and they all laughed at me!
peishi you are a mean bean.
aiyah, i was telling qian that i have damn many embarrassing moments i can write a novel with them.
the other day i tried to pay at macdonalds with a receipt cos i wasnt looking then i thought i took out the 2 dollar note. haha then the woman was like uhhh then i turned around and i was like AHHHAHAH sorry.
but ah she was quite weird, she didnt even laugh, i would if i were her. zeh said it's like they're trained to be nice to their customers so cant haha.
or maybe she's just weird, no sense of humour.
ohoh! i just remembered something about mrs woo, like last month during fnn lesson she asked the art girls to come along to the library then we were wondering what, and guess what!
she brought us to the tables behind the library and there was a cake!

cos mrs woo also knew there was a lot of like sadness going around during sports day so she bought us this.
ah so sweet right!!!!
and while she was at it she celebrate jan-april birthday.
like really ah, it was super damn nice of her, i mean she even specially asked the cake person to draw that picture, with like bougae runner and cheerleader in blue.
ah such a pretty cake.
haha i was really proud of peishi also cos she freakin hates chocolate but she still forced herself to eat. hahaha.
oh and idyttm, even my teacher feels we did well for sports day, wanna go scold her not? XP
anw everybody was like THANK YOU MRS WOO! MRS WOO YOU CHOCK!
hahaha, on sports day me and dionne were like touching baby.
then we tried to teach mrs how to speak timbucktu but she aiya in the end just ended up talking her own language lah haha.
i love mrs woo, i want baby to at least be born after teacher's day so 4P can give her CHO BEEAG the present on teacher's day, in front of whole school, make everybody jealous whahaha.
we shall get her something plus something for baby also! XD
2:47 PM
hundreds and thousands are damn exciting!!!
i just poured a lot on my cookies and cream.
feel like a kid.
but i think i'm very excited at colourful things right now, cos im very excitedly colouring my art, and it's so getting very colourful it's exciting.
AAHAHA. sounds like i have limited vocab.
but anw, i'm taking a break.
ok i realise during my disappearance i.e. hiding in a cave to study for mid-years, my tagboard remained full of life.
gaaha, a lot and i dont wanna spam my tagboard so i shall reply in this post, then zao back to do art.
SHI: hahaha, aiyah you desperately crave to go out with me night and day you're in self-denial.
dionne: nobody ask me, it was an involuntary action!! hahaha. and i know YAI CHO LURB MEEZERS CHIA! XD and yooay you looaig my picture! you suddenly like peishi develop crush on me already i can sense hahaha. aiya i am jumping back and forth btw timbucktu and proper english, annoying myself. =]
valeriee: haha your exams end on monday! XD
idyttm: VACUMNMNMNMNMNMNMNS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. i think i have a lot to say to you leh, but first of all bible say must love the people who hate you. so IDYTTM, ILYTTM!!!
ahahha, and apparently you go to caroline and merilyn's blog too, cos i never said anywhere on my blog that you're the first person to leave hate comment.
you very free leh, go get your own life ah stop caring about mine. =]
and you cant say that vacUMNs are my best friends, you steal my joke, no originality. piracy is a crime!!
and no! i wont laugh it off! you can't tell me what to do! XP
and it's not like im even controlling myself[ahahha kaywei you said 'valerie control yourself' damn funnily the other day] cos really, it's not funny i dont have to suppress any sort of inert desire to get tickled.
the only thing i'll laugh at is your violent opposition to my every move and your bad spelling, while still fecklessly attempting to look smart by using words like 'detest' in place of hate when you could use the shorter one, which is more appropriate some more considering your extra strong feelings against me. AHAHAH.
and shit's damn not funny lah, why would people laugh at it, i always see dog shit at my house downstairs and i dont find it very amusing. but either way, i am not superficial or insecure enough to care about you, so, ok insult me all you want. =]
except if i were you i would highly advice myself not to do so to save myself the embarrassment.
and anw Albert Einstein once said, "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
idyttm, you understand not? anw if you do, im not insulting you ah, im just quoting the guy. hahaha, im so nice to you leh.
oh and dont PFFFFTTTTFFTFTFT at me leh. all your saliva.
shi: haha i told you already, xie xie ni bang wo -.-" ta.
qian: haha, she seems too angsty to like ah beng actor leh, and i dont have post about him haha, ah i only laugh at him.
kw: hahahaa, kk. me and caroline should just take damn many ugly pictures and sell them on the internet for people to laugh at, haha, spread joy to the world. so when those people feel sad they just take out the picture and they laugh and they feel better. hahaha. and the both of us will be rich for the rest our lives. the end. gahahaha im dreaming.
cherylL: hahaha cheryl i know you are like number one fan of my blog right hahaha.
mao: HAHAHA merilyn you got infected by idyttm, scrow. hahaha. you cho funny lah, after mid years ngoh qeng lei yum cha! you what wanna yiet! XD
jedi: hhaha, jedi you like her you go teach her! hahhaa. =]
qian: HAHAHA qian i freakin dont need ten towels with your face on it, hahaha after a while i'll get damn sick of your face. but hahhaa sure got perverted people buy the towel one, duaneh!
ian: HELLOOO sjkldfeh;skdjfsdgjndfv;dfklaff'lsvkff.
auggghhh freakin spent 45 WHOLE MINS on this! kk bye. =]
nette posted it up.