3:46 PM
if you dont have a smelly baby bolster on your bed right now you're from like pluto, which isnt even a planet so you're not even an alien you're like ultimate extra terrestrial.
i wanna sleep.
damn tired.
but im still gonna write this first.
oh no ah i need to call charmaine after this.
so anw, the day before art paper, i slept like 2 hours, then after the paper, i had super ondehondeh craving so i followed jedi to go toa payoh to buy since she was going town.
but we saw kaywei, raylia and valerie at the bus stop and they were gonna eat so i happy cos i had company.
haha, we had subway and i tell you they are like damn funny ah.
raylia was telling us this story which i cant really say but anw this guy was like being an idiot, even though A likes him but he's too ego to even be nice cos he's like the handsome then ego kind of idiot.
then kw: i think guys like that are like cos they have.. physical problems.
me & val: HAHAHHA
kw: no really, like, i think he has a deformed dick.
me: but wait how does that link to being idiot?
kw: you know, cos like since he cant show that he's a man down there... he has to show it like by being mean to girls.
so i was telling kw we should totally go to him
and say: we know about the dick problems.
then maybe he'll like 'OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW.'
after that i went back to school for shitty teachers day rehearsal which was super last min, then went home with ros.
then on thurs after chinese paper me, jedi, hsinhsin and zn went to mos to eat lunch.
and then to the prayer meeting at the random house behind our school bus stop.
it was good, i think i wanna go do the christmas thing jedi, lets do tgt!
anw then friday came and i was alr very tired cos i had a super sleep deprived busy week and i came to school and was damn stressed and ultimate pissed off.
and jedi didnt even come school ah. :(
haha cheryl seah just told me today that she overslept on teachers' day and didnt come to school... and it was cos she was staying up late on the teachers' day presents!!
hahahahha i love her lah she's damn funny.
we're going acjc together whoo.
on and by the way when people are talking to you dont face your back to them cos it's just plain rude.
but anw i ended the day like damn shittily, but it all got better cos after school i went out with ravin XD
we went to town, ate at the same place we did last christmas.
then we went her house and like her mum offered to cook aglio oglio for dinner for us.
oh kk digressing a little, jowell!!!
i am like super ass freakin SORRYYY.
like really, cos i dunno i super dont get to go out with ravin a lot since she retained and like everything doesnt coincide so if i can eat dinner with her i will super want to, plus her mum like totally asked me.
and i know you are like forever free right, i can anyhow call you go eat one right. HAHA.
anw i showed her youtube videos and then we watched some loser ass chick flick which teaches you shit HAHA.
cos ravin wanted chick flicks, and i wanted to watch bring it on cos she say she have but we couldnt find, so we watched this vcd in her cupboard called 'sleepover' which she hasnt even watched before.
cliche and unrealistic and it was damn stupid lah, but hahha it was damn fun insulting the movie.
it's like the unpopular ugly girl ends up with the hot guy cliche.
anw she hasnt even talked to him before, and he liked her you know why!
cos he like skateboarding, then got one day he saw her skateboarding past his car and he oh like.
wah, stupid ah.
then ravin's mother cooked and i took like this entire plateful of spaghetti and she asked me if it was nice and i was like 'yah its nice auntie'
but when i was done ravin's mum asked me if i wanted some more, and i said no cos i was too full.
AND SHE WENT: why you dont like it ah?
me: nono it's not that!
then after dinner ravin and i went to the playground and
i went: omg ravin your mum hates me ah, she thinks i hate her cooking right.
ravin: HAHA no lah, my mum just likes compliments so she'll purposely say just so you'll say it's nice.
hahaha. quite disgusting right!
but she's cool.
then i was damn happy and i went home and slept like 11 hours till the nxt morning.
but if i need like 7 hours of sleep a day i kinda still havent made up for the time i lost over the 3 days before that cos [5+5+2+11] / 4 = 5.75!!!
ah, i love how the little things friends do can just cheer you up so much :)
i think this year my bestest friends in school are like, ravin, qian, jedi and valerie.
i think i will just rot and die without them.
we like the same stuff and we make each other laugh and like i think they'll never make me pissed or hurt or anth.
like how do i get pissed with one of those losers hahahah!!
and they'll never talk shit about me.
and i dont think thats too little friends.
in fact if i had like just one friend who's freakin ass awesome i'd be happy.
aiyah i used to be stupid, like damn.
for the most part of my life i thought i'd wanted like many friends, like i'd want to please everybody thinking it's actually possible.
like you cant please everybody that shit is true.
and you know how jesus'd be a friend a to everyone, and he'd be a best friend to the friendless and love him like to the max.
i used to think omg i cant imagine being an ultimate loner having no friends and only having just a God as a friend.
i'd die.
but then now, like after i think i'm closer to God, i realise i honestly wouldnt mind!
like if the whole world hated me and i only had God as a friend, i'd be super happy.
[ughhh digress. I dunno what’s wrong with my sister. She’ll come tell on me for nothing to get me scolded, then accuse me of being the criminal while she’s the victim, and when I ‘huh?’ and tell her that it’s so not my fault and recount to her everything that happened, she’ll usually tell me to get lost, when she knows she’s supposed to apologise. Whatever she’s a backside. i ignore.]
anw, cos i totally understand alr, plus the love He gives is like 3485734435 times more than the love every single person in this world cumulated, can give.
Why would I wanna have a million and one friends, and I talk shit about all of them, or not be there for all of them when they need me, you know? I bet everyone’s had bouts of ‘I wanna be everybody’s friend, peace’ phases in their lives loh! haha.
anw im gonna study hard this hols, and i will totally finally get 6 points, then get a dog whoo!
you see here's what happened the other day.
Me: mum if I get 6 points can I get a dog?
Mum: ah, you wont get 6 points one.
Translated, that means yes.
uh, or at least i hope.
Cant wait!
nette posted it up.
Saturday, August 30, 2008 10:47 PM
racial harmony day!!
but i lazy so i shall not post all.


me val cherie and joyce.
hahaha joyce and valerie are damn funny ah, when they walked into my class,
joyce went: tea or coffee m'am! [in some british accent]
valerie: yes yes taye or coffaye?
joyce: [aiya this post is obviously too late so i forgot what she said but it was this entire air stewardess speech that made me laugh like hell.]



me haoyee kw ravin hannah joey charlotte
ohoh you see hannah like that like normal right! but when she turn around...

oh ya we're in the hall later on because we had this pasar malam thing, where everyone forgot to bring stuff to sell for, other than caroline.
and when i saw what she found i was like AHHHHHAHAHAHAHA OMG NO ONE'S GONNA BUY.

she brought like, her mother's old clothes.
ah you cant really see that embroided denim thing properly sadly, but i swear thats the funniest.
Edit: oh we did sell nothing in the end, ms begam after that wanted to see the monitresses to get the money earned and i was liek the last class, and she had the money earned by each class written down on her clipboard and went there and wrote $0 under 4P.
hahaha wahlao, everyone at least earned smth like the most was forty bucks plus, but the least was $3 and our class, zeero!

i am so posting this up, because i think mau looks freakin pretty here.


oh then i had a picture with the wonderful SIA stewardesses, and i'll take a coffee btw.
a chair helped us take this picture.

irdayu. she's damn hot ah!

this is like sequel to bbq picture.

me and ms chye and mr chan.
i look shitass ugly in both, but i really had to post it love the both of them!
hahaha, i rmb for teachers' day mr chan's card i promised him i'll get a1 for chinese, then i drew a picture of him like damn ugly one and he's slanted to one side and looks like he's dancing.
then i pointed to it and wrote 'mr chan 你。我做 art 的。'
hahaha i think he will laugh loh, i love.
and when i grow up and become a rockstar i will personally go and thank ms chye. ha. whaha.
aiya since i am on the teachers topic i am just gonna link this to teacher's day, talk about it too.
so like the day before, i went to nicole's house to bake cookies.
it was damn fun, though i was super tired cos i was like sleep deprived.
like for 3 consecutive days before that i slept for 2, 5 and 5 hours respectively.
explain later. in like new post.
but anw we made butter cookies in heart shapes.
i love nicole lah!
anw i was very sad i couldnt pass mrs woo her present, cos she gave birth to zachary and like she was on maternity leave.
whoo i called her later and she said she'll bring him to school on one of the days after hols, how exciting!!! :D

this just makes me laugh my head off.


haha totally didnt know she took this.
aiya i took with many many people also, sorry if i didnt post up.
and i took with ps this damn nice like her cam lighting is freakin awesome but i totally forgot to ask her to send to me, until now, but she's not even online so i probably wont even bother after this aiyahhhh.
then after that jedi and i we went art room to do art.

dionne came along cos after that she go j8 with us.

aiyah forgot what she was doing like this for.
i dont think it was a random for nothing thing leh, somehow i feel i had a reason for taking this pic.
ugh this is like what the 3rd time im using the word forgot in my post is it i dunno.
i swear i need a hard disk drive connected to my brain's memory cos i think there's too little space up there.
but then, people with small brains are supposedly smarter whahaha winks!
nette posted it up.
a break.
i've been like slaving my whole morning off, packing everything cos my house has been painted for the whole week.
yah my toilet stinks.
and anw, cos my mum had guests coming over like to discuss some work stuff so we not only we had to pack we had to clean and shit.
and then later mum said must wear nicer.
and i was like thinking 'but its my house! want me to wear dress and walk around meh.'
so i bathe and wore choir shirt, and she say cannot.
and i told her people are not that superficial.
but in the end like i did chores for 3 hours straight.
but anw i will like never go to this extent to go impress other people, whats the point i impress myself.
no one's gonna care if my laundry's hung on the window.
anw i am so gonna learn how to play doushite now.
i'll talk about proper stuff later, then STARRRDY!
nette posted it up.
Monday, August 25, 2008 11:19 PM
hilarious is the day at jedi's house!
nette posted it up.
Friday, August 22, 2008 10:03 PM
HAHA. this is a fereaking late post. but oh well, better late than never.
on 9th july 2008, my class went out to have my birthday lunch.
so like 15 [i think. out of 19 leh! cho miany! XD] of us, went to crystal jade to eat at a damn big suited-for-tuan-yuan-fan table.

waiting for the art girls.

they arrive!
HAHA chantal with the loser smile, cheryl with the camera, and jedi [she suddenly became yellow plastic bags i dunno why], with the jacket.

but then..

we still had to wait for food.
mao was freakin hungry she wanted to eat caroline's face.

whoo the food came.

cheryl takes me taking her, and look! jedi's a human again!

and i cant rmb why they started doing the panda finger eye thing. haha.
and sorry hannah i shake the camera and made you look fat.
HAHA. then you know there's like this thing that some people can do where you do that warm-up with both your hands finger-locking behind your back, but one of your hands have to reach behind over your shoulder, then you try to get your head through that hole behind you.
OHKAY you know what. if you understood that you are like genius of the universe.
anw, qin huan has cho long hands, she did it effortlessly.
then caroline tried doing it.

helping out.

then later we were told jokes.
we laughed.
then we stopped.

but kw didnt.
2 hours later...

havent stop!! ahahaha.
thanks to all you guys!
[they paid for me leh!]
AND I LOVE YOU ALL, had an awesome birthday lunch. XD
and thanks to everyone who gave me presents and cards, or wished me.
and jowell you just suck lah.
and karina is the sex, her presents were like i dunno i think about like nearly $80.
she permanant markered the price on the tags but i saw under the light by accident.
crazy kid.
anw i love her to bits damn sad i cant go melbourne at the end of the year.
i still havent watched the 'we can be heroes' dvd!
cant wait to see it after Os.
no cant wait for after Os, me and jedi have decided to make lists of what we're gonna do.
whoo exciting.
i'm gonna bring her to studio wu and we're having movie marathons! XD
ok zaijiarn.
nette posted it up.
my sister and my mum came from a land of evil bunnies.
anw i am just here to vent so whatever lah, dont read it.
my sister just totally pissed me off until i almost cry yesterday so i went to sleep and i thought i didnt care about her alr until my mum came and started yelling in the morning:
WHYD YOU BRING THE GUITAR IN THE ROOM GO KEEP IT...[and she went on with other rubbish i dunno ohoh cos i woke up and was replying msges happily since i had gotten over my sister's assish ways, then she scolded me for using the phone.]
and i was like saying zehzeh brought it in not me, but i was too late and my nervous system had alr sensed the raised voice, and transmitted it to my brain, which rationally told the nerve impulses i was not at fault and therefore made me pissed.
and i was extra pissed because the night before i went into the room and specifically instructed my sister to keep it when she's done, cos later my mum will scold ME.
gah, the pissier thing is how i hate how my sister likes to talk shit about me infront of people, and ME.
is she freakin stupid or what, in front of me leh!
like even if i were to spread lies about her i'd do it when she's not there cos then she wont be able to defend herself.
not that i would obviously, who does that to their sister.
she's sick in the head, she gets pleasure from making me seem like a shithole.
so anw yesterday she was on the phone with some person in the room, and i came into the room.
zehzeh: are you gonna sleep soon?
me: [msging] huh uh think so but...
[ughhhhhh my mum totally walked and yelled at me, saying i have been using the comp for too long. it's been bloody 5 minutes. ok, 7.]
z: aiya why you like that FINE i'll go out
me: no i was gonna say but i am msging so until i msg finish then i'll sleep.
z: [closes back the door]
me: ah but i dont really mind you going out cos i'm like msging and you're talking super loudly i cant think properly.
me: yah you see you're yelling! okok forget it just talk i dont care.
z: *.. yah she everytime like that lah, she's damn spoilt... she's super childish also...*
me: [whatever i say next she tried to drown by talk into the phone] wahlao can you not always say shit about me to your friends, because its not even true. the last time you go and tell slimy i think he was cute it was not even true and then just last week you told ashley and alex that i said your singing sucks which wasnt even true--
z: okok shut up.... *no lah, she was just scolding and insulting me.. dunno whats her problem.* annette dont make me use vulgarities on you ah.
me: what! I'm making you? [I FEREAKING SHUT UP.]
did that bloody sound like i was scolding and insulting her???
i just listed examples where she lied to her friends about me.
1) slimy and zehzeh were friends still.
2) we went to yj guitar concert.
3) slimy was still pestering zehzeh, and i think she like liked the attention.
4) she showed me slimy's face before and i said he was ugly, but she said that the pictures dont do him justice.
5) i give the benefit of the doubt.
6) she showed him to me on concert day.
it's hurting to people.
but one with an ego as huge as slimy's, i dont know why i was protecting anw.
cos after that i was damn pissed with my sister and i was kinda like 'what was that for???? and you made his ego bloat for nothing!'
so. if my sister, by saying that, made his ego bloat by like 27%, and if i had then retaliated with the comment about saying he was ugly, it would revert back to its original size cos the 27% which grew would die again.
make sense?
even if it reduced by like about 43% of the original size instead due to factors such as he's ultra sensitive to negative comments cos he's never heard them or smth, it's still ok because his ego's like larger than the average human's anw, so i'll be helping him reduce it to normal, and hence allowing him to gain some humility, enlightenment, and cookies.
sadly, i am a failure at being shitty to people.
i dunno why wally said that, maybe SHE wanted to say that but didnt dare to so she just planted the comment on me, like i am a pot of soil, not a human.
and like i said she's mad cos she said it in front of like all her friends, and then ME. so if i showed very convincingly that i freakin didnt say, then they'd believe me and wonder whats up with her?
so thats why after i made a big fuss she like tried to shush me and bring me away.
it was a total cry for attention to slimy ah, and see now she hates him also.
last week.
1) ashley and alex came over.
2) i was asking wally 'eh so you and royston performing the maroon 5 song ah?
3) she said 'i dont think so alr BECAUSE OF YOU, i dreamt last night that i perform then i sing out of tune.'
4) me: huh? omg! why is it MY fault??
5) wally: because you said my singing sucks.
6) me: WHAT! OMG I DIDNT!!!!
7) wally: yes you did.
8) ashley: maybe you dreamt that part also.
9) wally: noo i didnt
10) i think. then i rmb: zehzeh, you said so youself.
11) wally denies again. i am pissed off.
so when ashley and alex went home i told her stm brain what happened.
in case it's like embarrassing and i say in front of her friends, i dunno what she'll do to me as revenge, not that she'll not ever say any shit without me first doing something anw.
1) she ask me to record her.
2) we replay.
3) she was like 'omg i suck lah'
4) i laugh like hell.
5) then i say 'yah'.
ok loh i admit i agreed, but it doesnt count as saying it.
for example.
confuscious saying like 'oh, a black chicken can never turn white.'
[okok i made that up. example.]
i think its freakin deep.
then i agree with him.
so zehzeh i am giving you your rightful credits for making that comment why'd you chuck it to me just cos i AGREED???
and i dont even wanna talk about the times when she also talks shit in front of my friends like last saturday when i ate mos with hsin hsin and zn and she was with me, leaving me to fend for myself over her lies.
anw then i got damn pissed with my mum cos she told me to clear the books on the outside study table and the dressing table also and i said ok.
[no, not yet the pissifying part.]
and just now after she got off the phone with my sister she was like 'zehzeh say all those things are yours you say is hers! you both blame each other lah i dunno who to believe!'
me: huh? i never blame her what, only the guitar, which is really she bring in one.
mum: then the dressing table? whose things! the outside books! yours or hers!
me: omg mummy since when did i say it was hers??
mum: so it's yours lah!
me: half is mine and half is hers, no wait but you told her i said it was hers????
i was like 'mummy how could you anyhow just tell zehzeh that i blamed her for it when i soooo totally did not, thanks for putting words in my mouth.'
still ignored.
wahlao. my mum was scolding my sister over the phone, but she didnt wanna be the only bad guy, so at MY expense, she made another villian to piss my sister off, so she wont be the sole person my sister complains to her friends about after she has put down the phone.
i was damn pissed ah, fancy a mother sowing discord between her kids.
not that there isnt discord between us alr, but at the moment, she was being the one at fault, and NOW it's become me when it's not even true.
so anw i have concluded that my and my sister came from the same planet. really, they both like to yell and they both like to make their a scapegoat for every situation, and they both like to accuse me wrongly.
ah whatever.
yay it's still 950. i'm gonna bathe then start drawing some stuff! XD
nette posted it up.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 6:55 PM
michael phelps looks like a chimpanzee, but he's a total zaikia.
Edit: [2 hours later]
aiyah. i was planning to do a proper post but i was watching ryan higa and now i grew lazy.
tomorrow lah.
nette posted it up.
Thursday, August 07, 2008 11:05 PM
ok. the reason i am here is cos i am just too disgusted with myself.
come home today, only thing i did that involved my brain was probably deciding if i should eat my potato or fishcake last at dinner.
my night was just brainless bimbotic mindless idling.
i am too disgusting to function.
but you see, i'm here so that i can blog for the final time till prelims end.
decided since i wasted the night off, i better continue wasting it and take advantage of the slack feeling while i still have it.
then from tmr onwards its whooo study-o-rama.
like yesterday i was on a nerding high, ah had a productive day.
i love a maths.
i also love totally kyle.
yesterday[at the end lah, when my brain had compressed to its maximum], me and wally found the ONLY totally kyle video on youtube!
omg it was super hilarious i miss the amanda show, kk watch this.
and, my mum will super highly come scold me and make me sleep soon, so i totally owe myself choir farewell post+birthday post+racial harmony day post which includes many many pictures.
for now, i'll just type stuffzsh.
just now, jedi and i went to art friend.
i bought this T-shirt iron on for my sister, it says 'I'm the BIG sister'
i'm gonna buy a shirt to iron it on then give it to her for her birthday.
wahlao im a freakin awesome sister, my sister used to never give me present ever.
there was this year she was like 'eh annette i got no money to buy you a birthday present, cos i need to buy my friend's.'
wah, i was damn pissed.
until 2 years ago a miracle shat on me, she gave me a 50cent present, then last year like $1.50 one, then this year damn amazing improvement she bought me $3.95 present!
i normally get her stuff but i think this is gonna be great, whoo i happy.
ok if you know lynnette lee please dont tell her.
i'll punch you.
hate ruined surprises.
jedi and i were talking about dreams, i was saying how yesterday i dreamt my mum fried pancakes[nono they were FRIED. like deep fried. but its possible loh, pancake is like batter, its fryable! then i was saying we should so try it someday.]
and i also dreamt that a ninja appeared at my house.
whaha coolness.
i came home from school and a ninja who had zsh long hair was cooking in my kitchen.
i saw his back view only though.
but he was in a ninja suit. cool.
jedi doesnt know that there's a myth that says if you eat cheese before you sleep, you'll dream!
haha i dont believe it, havent tried it though.
later when i got home something damn CHO freaking embarrassing happened and i like totally called jedi to moannnn.
i just semi-wrote what happened.
but i deleted it.
it's too vague[vay-gew!] for the clueless, and i'll be wasting both our time[times?], and looking like an idiot on my part anw.
and i realise i feel bad for people who talk shit about every single friend they have.
cos then they'll have nobody they'd consider a close friend whom you've never said anything shitty about.
oh then, i found THIS.
it's a 224 word palindrome* written by demetri martin.
freakin coolness.
"Dammit I'm Mad"
Demetri Martin
Dammit I'm mad.
Evil is a deed as I live.
God, am I reviled? I rise, my bed on a sun, I melt.
To be not one man emanating is sad. I piss.
Alas, it is so late. Who stops to help?
Man, it is hot. I'm in it. I tell.
I am not a devil. I level "Mad Dog".
Ah, say burning is, as a deified gulp,
In my halo of a mired rum tin.
I erase many men. Oh, to be man, a sin.
Is evil in a clam? In a trap?
No. It is open. On it I was stuck.
Rats peed on hope. Elsewhere dips a web.
Be still if I fill its ebb.
Ew, a spider… eh?
We sleep. Oh no!
Deep, stark cuts saw it in one position.
Part animal, can I live? Sin is a name.
Both, one… my names are in it.
Murder? I'm a fool.
A hymn I plug, deified as a sign in ruby ash,
A Goddam level I lived at.
On mail let it in. I'm it.
Oh, sit in ample hot spots. Oh wet!
A loss it is alas (sip). I'd assign it a name.
Name not one bottle minus an ode by me:
"Sir, I deliver. I'm a dog"
Evil is a deed as I live.
Dammit I'm mad.
*a word, line, verse, number, sentence, etc., reading the same backward as forward.
nette posted it up.