east ministry photo!!!
hahaha krystel is hilarious she came in and was like I HAVE 2 MINUTES I HAVE 2 MINUTES!!! HAHAHA.
cos she had like some media thing.
at the hall!
HAHA spas girls.
the bottle is my hand.
wouldnt have wanted to join serve with anyone else!
i see the cutest girls ever in this pic man, 3 weeks of forging a friendship that will last foreverrrrr :)
so we started the thing like split in grps to play games.
the back of the hall had like the gigantic
fu2 word formed with angpows then behind them there are numbers so you are supposed to anyhow take one and get into the group of your number AND JEDI AND I CHEATED SO WE WERE IN THE SAME GRP HAHAAHA.
s0 anw!
there was this project runway thing like super funny then there was extra red paper and samuel decided to draw on it, he draws super well man i took a picture!!
so cute right!HAHA look at jedi being an idiot and vandalising the cute
circle man.



haha retarded i love jedi.
hahahah you know after the thing then everyone was saying melvin and yixin look like a couple so funny.
very cute right they! haha!
wailing my personal sup! haha she's super awesome man freakin funny XD

east girls XD
i can forget about posting the jumpshot i think it's too messed up haha.

i miss the EH lift.
so anw i learnt so much from project serve like i grew like whoaaa a lot spiritually and like my bible knowledge is totally like, cool enough for school alr man :D
3 weeks but sooo many things, like street e and project work, tiring but totally worth it.
i was kinda ambivalent about joing serve like i thought i'd rather play my jan actually, and i was scared i'll hate serve after a while cos 3 weeks seemed so long, but in the end i decided to just do it, and it was so totally short lah!
anw i definitely didnt regret a single moment of it, and i'm so glad i chose to start the year right with this, and most importantly with God.
and if ps changed me, it's definitely for the better. :)