7:03 PM
ok i am just gonna spam photos from the past like, 2 weeks or smth of school.
and i kinda dont wanna split posts even though i can, cos blogger's having one of those spasm moments where it uploads photos like whoohoo fast so i must faster be irritating and bao wo ji hui.
my cheng yu is cool stuff.
wait. i think bao wo ji hui is not a chengyu. ah omg me.
HAHA ok.
so anyway on some day there was a fake fire drill then sam was campaigning that time so we just decided to like spam the board in the crowd whether they liked it or not.

haha i made some intentional spas face which yah turned out wonderfully spas ahaha yuck.

hahaha fire drill on field = take photos.
and i love snapple.


and guangfu.
i think the 2nd shot more handsome. :D

justin sam and me!

hi jerm your hand is huge ass and mine is puny.
haha this was the day we did chinese after sch cos gayle and i wanted to not minus marks [mr kong say kou wu fen for every one day late.]
and then, guangfu and justin went to do with us also, but they like waste a lot of time go eat, talk cock and stuff haha, then finally they had to go for trng and they were like ah hand in late cos they totally couldnt finish.
and we were like minus FIVE leh!!
then justin said like the most retarded thing ever which makes sense but obviously will never happen HAHA he was like:
'never mind cos, example the paper was upon 100, would you rather hand in now and get 45, or hand in tmr and get 95?'

gayle loves me hahaha.
then later monday i was at school being a sick loser i was practically DYYYing, but i managed to survive somehow.
and haha the pe photos here are 2 diff days worth but i srsly lazy to spilt which one which day so ah, all piah!!

i guess friends made survival easier. XD

lijie + yuhong + kailin at the back = hilarious HAHAHAH.

this photo is like, damn weirdly cool.

kailin gayle sam and me HAHAHA i need to laugh everytime i look at sam in this photo omg hahaha.

played handball except for mc peeps and meiqi took this photo it's damn zaikia right!
hahaha meiqi was damn proud of herself she was like 'eh justin just now i took one photo of you damn shuai one!'

some random chinese lesson. haha.
econs i think.

i pretty much got worse by the end of that day equals a sad unconfortable dying me.

HAHA but

i still take photo.

disgusting boys. :P

HAHA gayle was like trying to take a picture of justing studying cos she thought it was some absolute miracle that he was then i pretend to pose and exactly when she snap he like look away from the book hahaha.
i am gna try and get the rest of the cell photos before i can talk about last last sat we celebrate the march babies birthdays! XD
and i am v happy cos the past 2 weeks i met up with like a lot of people haha.
but everything's a blur now cannot really rmb time's passing too quickly. :(
sunday i had lunch with nat and jasmine and then to church to chill with nat and talk cock ah i missed her!!!
then 2 of the days i went to meet ravin haha and i tauhuayed with valerie again another day and she brought along a surprise = joanne ong ci en!! augh hahahaa i hadnt talked to joanne much since sec2 omgggg.
haha are jay see.
and honestly i like cannot rmb alr ah wtv.
but so anw, last fri-sun i went for easter week prep camp! :D
like i was super sad that mum said cannot sing for lifecon but wtv i managed to persude her to let me help out for easter week at least, HAHA omg when i was about to leave the house that day she was like 'since when did i say you can go??' and i almost died ahahah like she signed the form everything she forgot and i had to re-explain everything.
i srsly dont care can i'm gna try my best to let her let me sing for next year.
like cant stand how she doesnt see the bigger purpose for why i wanna do this and like she'll only let me if i get recognised for it/get paid/wtv benefits.
and she always agrees then spasm and disapprove out of nowhere, like she allow me to go for audition get in alr then ask me to pull out, i usually manage to get my way like the if i'm going out with friends then last min she piss off and say cannot i will be awesome stuff and persuade till i get my way hahhaha but this was hard to convince it was like for 3 months of practice. :(
but yeah i'm still really glad i got to help out for easter week!
make artefacts and cross and fold roses HAHA.
you know.
i realise how everytime i do smth for God there will be 'sian shit why am i doing this waste my time and i'm tired alr' moments but at the end of it i find a greater satisfaction that overrides the initial wanna-die-ness.
and i know that they really needed help and i'm glad i made a decision to put aside time to give them a hand. :)
i read devotion the other day how some rich dude died, and all his possessions were burnt with him cos he wanted them to.
and i decided i wanna do stuff on earth that can endure the fire, something that will last beyond the death that i will conquer, that will have an eternal value in heaven, be it something small or big. :)
and oh ya and anw right now, i am switching my h2 econs to h2 art, which kinda explains 2 posts down cos i'll highly have to change class.
i super regret how i even chose to take econs like i actually wanted art i took the aptitude test and all which i got in for [and thats why the teacher says i most likely can switch] and then after that in a spasm moment of 'aiya i lazy to draw.'
i decided ah study, take econs.
damnmnmmnmnm on impulse i swear.
but now i'm freakin missing art and econs bloody sucks confirm cant get an A, and i think if i take art i can. and i talked to a j2 art girl[HAHA whoops i forgot her name] the other day she said i'll be getting the good teacher.
and i like almost thought of not switching cos my class is DA BOMB srsly they are super fun i dont wanna go some other class and be all O_-
but i talked to people and really lah the smarter choice would be to take art for the sake of my future.
ohoh i had dinner with reagan on thursday and YES THANKS OK? HAHAHA.
he was being damn sarcastic lah like all the 'ok lah ok lah dont switch and ruin your future' but he yeah he gave quite good advice and really made me think about it and yah so i decided to do it.
i'll miss my class like crap shitzxszx but :(?
the problem is if.
the teacher spasm and say i cannot switch even though he say highly can.
haha but whatevers! i shall leave it all to God so i'm not scared, and like i said, He'll show me what to do with my life. :)
nette posted it up.