oh well but at least i am not going online, i have enough self-control to not stretch the limit that is internet.
so that is good at least cos msn wastes the most of my time when i play on the comp anyway. blogging not really, unless got photos, though it really shouldnt be an excuse for me to even be here anw omg why am i here oh right cos i am dying reading the lit moodle assignment.
because i kind of dont understand since i stopped reading at book 2. die i need to reread my wuthering heightsss. :(
ok but anw i should go back to it, go on nette dont be irritating.
p.s. on the brighter side of thingssss, at least i am a shaker fries thursday!! :D
9:36 PM
i successfully boycotted computer for the entire week. except wednesday, when i used the comp to study art.
other than that, i never touched it since monday.
and anyway if you didnt know i basically decided to start a new computer boycotting plan on sunday.
i told myself not to use from now on and i can only use on weekends.
i think i might change it to saturday only actually. :o
so yeah i've got a million and one things to talk about cos i havent eventblogged in dunno how many weeks.
this can go and be like the previous 2-mths-worth-of-stuff post.
ok i am just gonna anyhow do this whatever i am not going in order again.
and lesser photos. HAHA. yes.
ohh service learning photoss haha!
on our way to alife.
hahaha look at fahimah with her hair down so cute.
hahahha it was super fun omg laugh like mad. XD
and ohya that was the day ms chan officially left also.
then she gave us all each a book, and she must have spent a lot.
but! it was really cool stuff, though i didnt really believe in some of the self-belief concepts but other than that i thought it was definitely the best farewell present she couldve given us, awesummmm book.
took photos but havent gotten yet.
then one sunday after lunch, gwen, joel lee and i went to shar's house and i studied a bit of chem.
yes. as you can see.
totally studying please.
completely not using the phone at all.
this is gertrude making me dance the hannah montana dance with her.
i love you girlsssss :)
shaunald's guitar concert!
us! :)
regina, cassandra, marcus, me, shaunald, nat.
i am angry with nat.
he tell shaunald's mum i pon school.
traitor ttm.
uncle ben took this haha nice right!
then after the concert we went up to the bridge to see starssss and take photossss :)
nat you have no biceps cos you are a traitor.
omg why i jump.

shaunald you look like a
flying penguin or smth v gay HAHA but okok still love ya friend. ;D
then cos i drank marcus' sprite on an empty stomach before i ate, i died after the concert freakin gastricked ttm but everyone was being super sweet, like shaunald and cassandra's parents damn nice they drove to petrol station to make shau and marcus buy yogurt milk for me, thanks you guys like :) :) :)
jowell took a polaroid of me and he captioned it and put on fb, it's super cool i show you!
"You are so young, so feel alive
And one day you will live on your own;"
so thinking man right? i likeeee. XD
though i think the lyrics are from a song talking about a girl who takes drugs whose life is super screwed but i shall pretend i dont know anything.
so anyway i shall end off soon.
friday!! XD
extended chapel for cmw was awesome the dance was WHOAHOAAAAA I LOVE MEITING SHE IS CRAZILY AWESOME.
and i think she's doing an awesome job being one of the best testimonies for God i've ever seen so, :).
then learning fest 09s05 taught sushi making!! XD
super fun pleaseee hahaa.
then after that doyong was my best friend and we went to the ice cream making thing HAHAHA OMG IT WAS SUPER FREAKIN FUN!!!
spamming salt and shaking ziplocs till our fingers hurt from freezing is fun and frozen milk tastes funky.
then we went to the guitar workshop to play songs for fun till he had to leave for pw meeting.
and cos it was gg's class, and i am a very good friend, i helped gg count money later cos he is learning fest rep!!
yah then i went to find larissa and we went cathay with some of her friends to eat so we could go back for collge day tgt. haha college day was beyond boring wanted to die.
but yay i left early for joseph chean's workshop!
yay it was yesterday and today.
i went with rachel gosh it was awesumzzz!!! XD
so yeapp im hairpee, see you all next saturday yozszxx. XD XD
nette posted it up.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 1:37 AM
HAHA zehzeh is damn funny.im studying the rubber tree chapter for chinese now and she say, she and her classmates last time never do their chinese homework ever.
and this is what they say to their teacher:
"lao shi! wo men bu ke yi zuo hua wen gong ke, yin wei,
wo men you PW!
ni yao ming bai lao shi!"
nette posted it up.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 9:02 PM
omgomg! haha!!
okok i have like 23454kg of work to complete now but i really really need to come here and exclaim because i just made the discovery of my life!
..i finally figured out how to enlarge windows on my mac!!!!!!
: D!!!
HAHAAHHA AUGH i am so amused YES omg finally, no more super tiny words on my word docs.
ok bye.
nette posted it up.
Saturday, August 08, 2009 6:58 PM
it's not how hard you fall, even if you think no one's fallen as hard as you before.
it's whether you pick yourself up.
nette posted it up.
Saturday, August 01, 2009 2:56 PM
been researching abstract art for the past dunno how long YES im finally done i cannot tank DESTRESSSSSSSSS.
i'm just gonna spam. verbal diarrhoea. write and whatever leads on to the next in my head, i'll pen it all down. sounds fun are you ready?
let's fly in green cubist helicopters with no propellors but many many balloons and maybe
some sculpted balloons yeah we'll be lifted by balloon laamas and swords how come balloon
sculptors dont fill their balloons with helium does it make it harder to sculpt wont it be cooler
if a sculpted balloon can fly?? we'll have them all pink though, maybe some yellow no purple
no it'll clash with the green that's not very pretty, and how come they dont sell black balloons
[Edit gosh i know whyyy?!?? i figured i think it's because balloons are meant to be happy
and you cant have it in a colour like black no wayyy in fact i wouldnt want a black balloon!!!!]
but anyway i wonder how we'll steer i guess we'll steer with our imagination yeah thats
even better cos we wont fly among the skies yup not JUST the skies we'll fly beyond that
YEAH we'll fly to the moon and we'll find out if it's really made of cheese and to the milky way
and see if it's really made of milk, and if they do then we should totally bring some home, man
i wonder if a helicopter's big enough for mega milk and cheese maybe we'll fly in 2 helicopters
but no then i cant talk to you along the way oh i know we'll use our phones ah but i wonder if
there will be reception in space but wait in fact maybe it'll have even better reception cos we're
nearer to the satellites, but anyway if it's a lie and the moon isnt cheese let's bring our crayons
and paint and sit on the moon and draw why not wont that be cool to leave your mark on the
moon by creating something on it it's like there's no creation there but we'll go create
something on creation when we're creation ourselves gosh how cool is that that God created us
to be able to create XD anyway then maybe we'll find out that no one really did go to the moon
because we cant find flags, then we'll go tell the authorities how REALLY WE'RE the first on
the moon but then they wont believe us like how they didnt believe the first dudes who went
on the moon but ok most people believed them but anyway we'd have no proof because
we'll only have photos of drawings on a cratered surface OHYAA we must bring our camera!!
man ok we should make a checklist before we leave i dont wanna reach all the way to the moon
to realise we forgot something??!!?!? but ok then we wont be satisfied with the moon and we'll
fly further we'll fly to jupiter and to neptune and then finally all the way pluto if we can find it
that is, since it has no fixed orbital but even if we cant find pluto we could just go on and on
and on and on forever and maybe we'll find out what eternity feels like cos i dont think the
universe ever ends does it no i think it doesnt i think God's so cool i mean if He meant to put
life just on earth why'd He have to create everything else around like all the other loser planets
and the entire galaxy and universe and even bother putting retarded things like asteroids in it
when gosh they are so useless all of that's useless we cant go hang out on the moon or play anti-
gravity games on saturn BUT i guesssss it was precisely since we can live without the rest of
the universe that He made it all, for no reason, just to show his awesome splendor, just
because He cannnn XD cool stuff did i just make you think i made myself think awesome
anyway i hope our balloons dont burst.
nette posted it up.